Paper Title or Section |
Authors |
Pages |
Table of Contents |
5-26 |
PME-NA History and Goals |
27 |
PME-NA Steering Committee |
28 |
Conference Chairs |
29 |
PME-NA 42 Contributors |
30 |
PME-NA 42 Review Process & Reviewers |
31-34 |
PME-NA 42 Strands |
35-37 |
Preface / Prólogo |
Ana Isabel Sacristán & José Carlos Cortés-Zavala |
38-43 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-3 |
Special Tribute / Homenaje especial |
44 |
Tribute to Eugenio Filloy†: A pioneer and driving force of Mathematics Education as a discipline / Homenaje a Eugenio Filloy†: Un pionero impulsor de la disciplina de la Matemática Educativa |
Ana Isabel Sacristán et al. |
45-67 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-2 |
68 |
Reflections on digital technologies in mathematics education across cultures |
Celia Hoyles, Carolyn Kieran, Teresa Rojano, Ana Isabel Sacristán, María Trigueros |
69-92 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-1 |
Educational neuroscience: past, present and future prospects |
Stephen R. Campbell |
93-100 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-4 |
Eye-tracking mathematical representations – finding links between vision and reasoning |
Ulises Xolocotzin, Matthew Inglis, Ana María Medrano Moya |
101-107 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-5 |
108 |
Mental mathematics in the classroom: Content, practices and Papert’s Mathland |
Jérôme Proulx |
109-119 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-6 |
Construction of arithmetic-algebraic thinking in a socio-cultural instructional approach / Construction d’une pensée arithémico-algébrique dans une approche socioculturelle de l’enseignement |
Fernando Hitt |
120-142 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-7 |
Understanding teachers’ professional development through their interaction with resources: a multilingual project |
Luc Trouche |
143-154 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-8 |
155 |
Research Colloquia: Conceptions and consequences of what we call argumentation, justification and proof |
Michelle Cirillo, Kristen N. Bieda |
156-158 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-9 |
Research Colloquia: Research tools for collectivity: Tracking mathematics classes |
Jennifer S. Thom, Florence Glanfield, Joyce Mgombelo, Jérôme Proulx, Lynn McGarvey, Jo Towers |
159-161 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-10 |
162 |
Working Group: Implementing and researching mathematics content-focused coaching models |
Cynthia Callard, Cynthia Carson, Ryan Gillespie, Julie Amador, Jeffrey Choppin, Stephanie Martin |
163-165 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-11 |
Embodied mathematical imagination and cognition (EMIC) working group |
Mitchell J. Nathan, Avery Harrison, Hannah Smith, Erin Ottmar, Dor Abrahamson, Caro Williams-Pierce |
166-168 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-12 |
Working Group: Complex connections: reimagining units construction and coordination |
Beth L. MacDonald, Steven Boyce, Cameron Byerley, Diana L. Moss, Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Jeffrey A. Grabhorn |
169-170 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-13 |
Working Group: Didactic contrasts between Calculus and Analysis / Grupo de trabajo: Contrastes didácticos entre cálculo y análisis |
Fabio Augusto Milner, José Ramon Jiménez Rodríguez |
171-174 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-14 |
Working group on gender and sexuality in mathematics education: Informing methodology with theory |
Katrina Piatek-Jimenez, Brent Jackson, Ana Dias, Weverton Ataide Pinheiro, Harryson Gonçalves, Jennifer Hall, Elizabeth Kersey, Angela Hodge-Zickerman |
175-177 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-15 |
Working Group: Mathematical Play: Across Ages, Context, and Content |
David Plaxco, Paul Reimer, Caro Williams-Pierce, Amy Ellis, Susanna Molitoris-Miller, Amber Simpson, Michelle Zandieh, Matt Mauntel, Mohammad Fatih Dogan |
178-180 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-16 |
Working Group: Mathematics teacher educators using self-based methodologies |
Elizabeth Suazo-Flores, Jennifer Ward, Sue Ellen Richardson, Melva Grant, Dana Cox, Signe E. Kastberg, Olive Chapman |
181-184 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-17 |
New Working Group: Teaching mathematics for social justice in the context of University Mathematics Content and Methods courses |
Eva Thanheiser, Frances K Harper, Christa Jackson, Naomi Jessup, Crystal Kalinec-Craig, Cathery Yeh, Amanda Sugimoto |
185-188 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-18 |
Working Group: Statistics education across social and political boundaries: Similarities, differences and points for building community |
Ana Luisa Gómez Blancarte, Blanca Rosa Ruiz Hernandez, M. Alejandra Sorto, Travis Weiland |
189-191 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-19 |
Algebra, Algebraic Thinking and Number Concepts |
Research Reports |
192 |
Supporting students’ meanings for quadratics: Integrating RME, quantitative reasoning and designing for abstraction |
Mustafa M. Mohamed, Teo Paoletti, Madhavi Vishnubhotla, Steven Greenstein, Su San Lim |
193-201 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-20 |
Unit transformation graphs: A case study |
Anderson Norton, Catherine Ulrich, Sarah Kerrigan |
202-210 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-21 |
Learning difficulties to build zero and one, based on Von Neumann / Dificultades de aprendizaje para construir el cero y el uno, con base en Von Neumann |
María Leticia Rodríguez González, Eugenio Filloy Yagüe, Bernardo Gómez Alfonso |
211-226 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-22 |
Introducing inverse function to high school students: Relating convention and reasoning |
Irma E. Stevens, Inah Ko, Teo Paoletti, Nicolas Boileau, Patricio Herbst |
227-235 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-23 |
Framework for representing a multiplicative object in the context of graphing |
Halil I. Tasova, Kevin C. Moore |
236-245 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-24 |
A conceptual analysis of the equal sign and equation –the transformative component |
Yufeng Ying |
246-254 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-25 |
Algebra, Algebraic Thinking and Number Concepts: Brief Research Reports |
255 |
Mental constructions of invariant subspace developed by an APOS teaching design / Construcciones mentales sobre subespacio invariante desarrolladas en una propuesta de enseñanza desde la teoría APOE |
Irenisolina Antelo-López, César Fabián Romero-Félix |
256-264 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-26 |
Assessing students' understanding of fraction multiplication |
Pavneet Kaur Bharaj, Erik Jacobson, Jinqing Liu, Fatimah Ahmad |
265-269 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-27 |
Students’ understandings of the transformations of functions |
Camille S. Burnett |
270-274 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-28 |
Didactic sequence for the learning of place value in second grade elementary students in a multigrade school / Secuencia didáctica para el aprendizaje del valor posicional en alumnos de segundo ciclo de primaria de una escuela multigrado |
Fátima del Carmen Castañeda-Hernández, Erika García-Torres |
275-282 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-29 |
Intertextuality and semiosis processes in the algebraic resolution of verbal problems / Intertextualidad y procesos de semiosis en la resolución algebraica de problemas verbales |
Juan Manuel Córdoba Medina, Eugenio Filloy Yagüe |
283-290 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-30 |
Examining students’ reasoning about multiple quantities |
Nicole Panorkou, Erell Germia |
291-295 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-31 |
Investigating the learning sequence of decimal magnitude and decimal operations |
Erik Jacobson, Patricia A. Walsh, Pavneet Kaur Bharaj |
296-300 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-32 |
Level-zero covariational reasoning in secondary school mathematics / El nivel cero del razonamiento covariacional en la educacion secundaria |
José Ramón Jiménez-Rodríguez |
301-304 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-33 |
Decomposing, composing and recomposing numbers in numerical equalities: algebraic thinking based on structure sense / Descomposición, composición y recomposición de números en igualdades numéricas: pensamiento algebraico basado en un sentido de estructura |
Cesar Martínez Hernández, Carolyn Kieran |
305-313 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-34 |
Intuition in Linear Transformation: some difficulties / La intuición en la transformación lineal: algunas dificultades |
Osiel Ramírez-Sandoval |
314-323 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-35 |
A study of contradictions as a lever for continuing education: A case involving algebraic generalization activities / Étude de contradictions comme levier de formation continue: un exemple autour d’activités de généralisation algébrique |
Mélanie Tremblay, Mireille Saboya |
324-338 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-36 |
The allocation of sense to the quotative division of fractions / La asignación de sentido a la división cuotativa de fracciones |
Angel Totolhua-Tlaque, Marta Elena Valdemoros |
339-346 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-37 |
Expressions of mathematical generalization among children in grade five of primary school / Expresiones de generalización matemática en niños de quinto grado de primaria |
Genny Rocío Uicab Ballote, Teresa Rojano Ceballos, Montserrat García Campos |
347-355 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-38 |
Children’s integer division: Extending analogies and direct modeling |
Nicole M. Wessman-Enzinger |
356-361 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-39 |
Foundational algebraic reasoning in the schemes of middle school students with learning disabilities |
Jerry A. Woodward |
362-370 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-40 |
“H is not a number!” Examining how number influences variable |
Karen Zwanch |
371-375 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-41 |
Algebra, Algebraic Thinking and Number Concepts: Poster Presentations |
376 |
Epistemic analysis of a lesson on linear equations of a Mexican textbook / Análisis epistémico de una lección sobre ecuaciones lineales en un libro de texto mexicano |
Graciela Rubi Acevedo-Cardelas, Ramiro Ávila-Godoy, Ana Guadalupe del Castillo-Bojórquez |
377 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-42 |
A proposal for teaching mathematics to high school students from modeling approach / Una propuesta de enseñanza de las matemáticas para alumnos de preparatoria desde la modelización |
Armando Agustín Chavez-Salazar, Parameters and system of linear equations |
378-379 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-43 |
Parameters and system of linear equations / Parámetros en sistemas de ecuaciones lineales |
Luis Enrique Hernández, Claudia Acuña Soto |
380-381 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-44 |
Introducing variables to grade 4 and 5 students and the misconceptions that emerged |
Jenna R. O’Dell, Todd Frauenholtz |
382 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-45 |
Elementary Algebraic thinking with patterns in two variables |
Adam R. Scharfenberger, Leah M. Frazee |
383-384 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-46 |
Student’s strategies to solve ratio comparison problems in elementary school / Estrategias de los estudiantes para resolver problemas de comparación de razones en primaria |
Vázquez-Gómez, Sofía, Sepúlveda-Vega, Francisco |
385-387 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-47 |
The advanced tacitly nested number sequence: Why does it matter in the middle grades? |
Karen Zwanch |
388-389 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-48 |
Curriculum, Assessment & Related Topics |
Research Reports |
390 |
What makes a mathematics lesson interesting to students? |
Leslie Dietiker, Rashmi Singh, Meghan Riling, Hector I. Nieves |
391-399 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-49 |
Identifying opportunities to engage in literacy practices: A framework for analyzing curriculum materials |
Ethan Smith |
400-408 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-50 |
Designing mathematics learning environments for multilingual students: Results of a redesign effort in introductory Algebra |
William Zahner, Kevin Pelaez, Ernesto Calleros |
409-416 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-51 |
Curriculum, Assessment & Related Topics: Brief Research Reports |
417 |
Characterizing coherence within enacted mathematics lessons |
Jaepil Han, Meghan Riling, Hector I. Nieves, Leslie Dietiker, Rashmi Singh |
418-422 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-52 |
An analysis of coordinate systems presented in grade 6-8 textbooks |
Hwa Young Lee, Lino Guajardo |
423-428 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-53 |
Types of problems linked to the development of algebraic reasoning in chilean primary education / Tipos de problemas vinculados al desarrollo del razonamiento algebraico en la educación básica chilena |
Ana Luisa Llanes Luna, Silvia Elena Ibarra Olmos, Luis R. Pino-Fan |
429-437 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-54 |
Review of slope in calculus textbooks |
Susan Bateman, Kevin LaForest, Deborah Moore-Russo |
438-447 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-55 |
Computational thinking practices as a frame for teacher engagement with mathematics curriculum materials |
Kathryn M. Rich |
448-452 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-56 |
Broader intentions: Exploring the role of aims for school mathematics in teacher curricular decision making |
Andrew Richman |
453-457 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-57 |
Curriculum, Assessment & Related Topics: Poster Presentations |
458 |
Secondary math methods syllabi across cultures |
Paula Guerra Lombardi, Viviana González, Woong Lim, Rafael Méndez Romero |
459-460 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-58 |
Mathematics instruction during prospective teachers’ perfoRmance-based assessment in special education classrooms |
Katherine Baker, Danielle Lane |
461-462 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-59 |
Locating a productive climate: Measuring student computational fluency in a tier 2 system |
Monica Mendoza, Rachel Lambert, Tomy Nguyen |
463 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-60 |
Teacher’s collaboration with freshmen undergraduates to improve feedback practices through cogenerative dialogues |
Mitchelle M. Wambua, Nicole L. Fonger |
464-465 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-61 |
Equity and Justice |
Research Reports |
466 |
Critically analyzing and supporting difficult situations (cards): a tool to support equity commitments |
Anne Marie Marshall, Andrea McCloskey, Brian R. Lawler, Theodore Chao, The MathEd Collective |
467-475 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-62 |
Between the boundaries of knowledge: theorizing an etic-emic approach to mathematics education |
Lee Melvin Peralta |
476-484 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-63 |
Measuring high school students’ funds of knowledge for learning mathematics |
Tiffini Pruitt-Britton, Candace Walkington |
485-492 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-64 |
Predicting the mathematics pathways of english language learners: a multilevel analysis |
Cristina Runnalls |
493-499 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-65 |
Why theorizing affect matters for mathematics education research |
Ryan Ziols |
500-511 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-66 |
Equity and Justice: Brief Research Reports |
512 |
Student engagement and gender identity in undergraduate introduction to proof |
Emmanuel Barton Odro |
513-517 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-67 |
Reconciling tensions in equity discourse through an anti-hierarchical (anarchist) theory of action |
David M. Bowers, Brian R. Lawler |
518-524 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-68 |
Bearing witness to mathematical ghosts: the ethics of teachers seeking justice |
Grace A. Chen |
525-529 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-69 |
Rural parents’ views on their involvement in their children’s mathematics education |
Daniel L. Clark |
530-535 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-70 |
An ethnography of re/humanizing (math) pedagogies at a predominantly latinx california high school |
Emma C. Gargroetzi |
536-540 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-71 |
Supporting the whole student: blending the mathematical and the social emotional |
Sara Gartland |
541-545 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-72 |
Non-binary people’s views of gender and mathematics |
Jennifer Hall, Travis Robinson, Limin Jao |
546-550 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-73 |
An historical exploration of achievement gap rhetoric: A critical discourse analysis of federal education legislation |
Michelle Hawks |
551-556 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-74 |
Community mathematics project: Tutoring low-income parents to make sense of mathematics |
Denisse M. Hinojosa, Emily Bonner, Crystal Kalinec-Craig |
557-562 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-75 |
Gender differences in number strategy use for students solving fraction story problems |
Cassandra Quinn, Susan B. Empson, Victoria R. Jacobs |
563-567 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-76 |
Social norms conducive to women’s learning in inquiry-oriented abstract algebra |
Kaitlyn Stephens Serbin, Sara Brooke Mullins, Marilin Annie Kelley, Estrella Johnson |
568-572 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-77 |
Differences in mathematical ability beliefs between teachers and mathematicians in higher education |
Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Han Du, Ian Thacker |
573-577 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-78 |
Products of white institutional space: An analysis of whiteness in online mathematics tasks |
Blake O'Neal Turner |
578-581 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-79 |
Tensions of responsibility in critical mathematics: defining teacher responsibility and student agency |
Trevor T. Warburton |
582-586 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-80 |
Exploring culture in mathematics education from the perspectives of preservice teachers of color |
Dorothy Y. White, Luz A. Maldonado Rodríguez, Juanita M. Silva, Christian J. Anderson |
587-591 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-81 |
Translanguaging to ensure latinx mathematics learners thrive |
Craig Willey, Hector Morales, Jr. |
592-597 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-82 |
Equity and Justice: Poster Presentations |
598 |
MIM: Mathematics education responsive to diversity: A Norwegian-Canadian and American research collaboration |
Annica Andersson, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Hilja Lisa Huru, David Wagner |
599-600 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-83 |
Prospective mathematics teachers’ conceptualizations of equity |
Kanita K. DuCloux, Corey M. Wadlington |
601-602 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-84 |
Blackness and whiteness in Appalachian mathematics classrooms |
Sean P. Freeland |
603-604 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-85 |
Mathematics problems and real world connections: How political is too political? |
Paula Guerra, Raisa Lopez, Elisa Pereyra |
605-606 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-86 |
Conceptualizing access knowledge for teaching mathematics |
Rachel Lambert |
607 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-87 |
Facilitating mathematics teacher educators’ conversations on inequities in mathematics classrooms |
Leslie E.J. Nielsen, Kanita K. DuCloux, Dorothy Y. White |
608-609 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-88 |
Mathematics identity and sense of belonging of developmental mathematics students |
Francis Nzuki |
610-611 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-89 |
Critical mathematics education for sub-saharan african youth: towards epistemic freedom |
Oyemolade Osibodu |
612-613 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-90 |
“Ya me conforme”: Resisting dominant narratives in mathematics classrooms |
Kevin Pelaez, William Zahner |
614-615 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-91 |
Capturing the high ground in learning disabled mathematics education research |
Thomas E. Ricks |
616 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-92 |
A narrative inquiry of GEMS women’s experience with STEM |
Lili Zhou, Sue Ellen Richardson |
617-618 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-93 |
Geometry and Measurement |
Research Reports |
619 |
Understanding instructional capacity for high school geometry as a systemic problem through stakeholder interviews |
Claudine Margolis, Michael Ion, Patricio Herbst, Amanda Milewski, Mollee Shultz |
620-627 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-94 |
Geometry and Measurement |
Research Reports |
619 |
Understanding instructional capacity for high school geometry as a systemic problem through stakeholder interviews |
Claudine Margolis, Michael Ion, Patricio Herbst, Amanda Milewski, Mollee Shultz |
620-627 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-94 |
Development of space reasoning in early ages through variation activities / Diseño de actividades para el desarrollo de razonamiento espacial en edades tempranas a través de manipulativos |
Yudi Andrea Ortiz Rocha, Ivonne Twiggy Sandoval Cáceres, Ana Isabel Sacristán |
628-645 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-95 |
Interpretive model of the conceptualization of the congruence of polygons (MICP) / Modelo Interpretativo de la Conceptualización de la Congruencia de Polígonos (MICP) |
Cristian Andrey Peña Acuña, Mirela Rigo-Lemini |
646-661 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-96 |
Children’s durational organization of evereyday experiences: a mathematical perspective of a linguistic study |
Amy Smith |
662-669 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-97 |
Geometry and Measurement: Brief Research Reports |
670 |
Acknowledging non-circular quantifications of angularity |
Hamilton L. Hardison |
671-675 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-98 |
Prospective high school mathematics teachers’ uses of diagrams and geometric transformations while reasoning about geometric proof tasks |
Karen Hollebrands, Deniz Ozen Unal |
676-680 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-99 |
Interactions with geometric figures: A case with graduate students |
Mario Mayorga-Sánchez, Gonzalo Zubieta |
681-688 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-100 |
Using design-based tasks to teach area measurement |
Edward S. Mooney, Jeffrey E. Barrett |
689-693 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-101 |
Self-instructions for applying writing in geometry problem resolution / Autoinstrucciones para aplicar la escritura en la resolución de problemas de geometría |
Luz Graciela Orozco Vaca |
694-701 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-102 |
Difficulties to justify geometric propositions when solving loci problems with GeoGebra / Dificultades para justificar proposiciones geométricas al resolver problemas de lugares geométricos con GeoGebra |
José Luis Soto Munguía, Manuel Alfredo Urrea Bernal, César Fabián Romero Félix |
702-710 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-103 |
Spatial imagination to work on 3D space using a figural device / Imaginación espacial para trabajar objetos en el espacio 3D usando un dispositivo figural |
Beatriz Alejandra Veloz Díaz, Claudia Margarita Acuña Soto |
711-719 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-104 |
Enhancing spatial abilities through exposer to computer-aid design programs |
Ashley M. Williams, Robert M. Capraro |
720-725 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-105 |
Geometry and Measurement: Poster Presentations |
726 |
“A square is not long enough to be a rectangle”: exploring prospective elementary teachers’ conceptions of quadrilaterals |
Pavneet Kaur Bharaj, Dionne Cross Francis |
727-728 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-106 |
Growth in mathematical understanding and spatial reasoning with programming robots |
Krista Francis, Stefan Rothschuh, Brent Davis |
729-730 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-107 |
Funky protractors created by prospective teachers |
Hamilton L. Hardison, Hwa Young Lee |
731-732 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-108 |
Gestures in geometry: how do gestures contribute to engagement and vocabulary acquisition through game play? |
Avery Harrison, Renah Razzaq, Erin Ottmar, Ivon Arroyo |
733-734 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-109 |
Navigating complexities in definitions of length and area |
Eryn M. Stehr, Jia He |
735-736 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-110 |
A research approach on the role of space in the construction of conic sections |
Luis Carlos Vargas-Zambrano, Gisela Montiel-Espinosa |
737-738 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-111 |
Instructional Leadership, Policy, and Institutions/Systems |
Research Reports |
739 |
Elementary mathematics teacher agency: Examining teacher and ecological capacity |
Phi Nguyen, Sheunghyun Yeo, Wenmin Zhao, Corey Webel |
740-748 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-112 |
Instructional Leadership, Policy, and Institutions/Systems: Brief Research Reports |
749 |
Using transcript analysis to predict students’ self-reported happiness in elementary mathematics classrooms: Methodological considerations |
Pamela Catherine Callahan, Blake O’Neal Turner, Casey Archer, Monica Anthony |
750-754 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-113 |
Instructional Leadership, Policy, and Institutions/Systems: Poster Presentations |
755 |
A collaborative self-study to forefront issues of identity and equity in mathematics methods courses |
Katherine Baker, Monica Gonzalez, Kathleen Nitta, Jennifer Ward, Naomi Jessup, Tracy Dobie, Erin Smith |
756-757 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-114 |
A model for mathematics instructional improvement at scale |
Alison Castro Superfine, Benjamin Michael Superfine |
758-759 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-115 |
Evolution of elementary math leaders’ collaborative plans for school-level change |
Brendan Dames, Corey Webel |
760 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-116 |
Continuous improvement lesson study with mathematics teacher educators |
Lara K. Dick, Melissa M. Soto, Mollie H. Appelgate, Dittika Gupta |
761-762 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-117 |
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching |
Research Reports |
763 |
Survey of preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for students’ multiplicative reasoning |
Christine K. Austin, Karl W. Kosko |
764-771 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-118 |
Teachers’ attention to and flexibility with referent units |
Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Ibrahim Burak Olmez |
772-780 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-119 |
Teachers’ review of tasks as a tool for examining secondary teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching |
Michelle Morgan King, Adam Ruff, Alees Lee, Robert Powers, Jodie Novak |
781-789 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-120 |
Inductive reasoning in mathematics teachers when resolving generalization tasks / Razonamiento inductivo en maestros de matemáticas al resolver tareas de generalización |
Karina Nuñez-Gutiérrez, Guadalupe Cabañas-Sánchez |
790-802 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-121 |
An approach to density in decimal numbers: A study with pre-service teachers / Un acercamiento a la densidad en los números decimales: un estudio con profesores en formación |
Mayra Suárez-Rodríguez, Olimpia Figueras |
803-819 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-122 |
Experienced secondary teachers’ decisions to attend to the independent variable in exponential functions |
Melissa Troudt, Lindsay Reiten, Jodie Novak |
820-828 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-123 |
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: Brief Research Reports |
829 |
A classroom experience: vector concept / Una experiencia de clase: concepto vector |
Viana García-Salmerón, Flor Rodríguez-Vásquez |
830-839 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-124 |
Exploring the interwoven discourses associated with learning to teach mathematics in a making context |
Steven Greenstein, Doris Jeannotte, Eileen Fernández, Jessica Davidson, Erin Pomponio, Denish Akuom |
840-844 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-125 |
Elementary teachers’ discourse about mathematical reasoning |
Doris Jeannotte, Stéphanie Sampson, Sarah Dufour |
845-849 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-126 |
Language: a hidden resource in preparing bilingual pre-service teachers |
Gladys H. Krause, Juanita Silva, Jair J. Aguilar |
850-859 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-127 |
Introducing fraction multiplication. A study on teacher’s pedagogical knowledge / Introducir la multiplicación de fracciones. Un estudio sobre el conocimiento didáctico del profesor |
David Alfonso Páez, Indira V. Medina Mendoza, María Guadalupe Pérez Martínez |
860-869 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-128 |
Mathematics teachers’ perception of inductive reasoning and its teaching |
Landy Sosa Moguel, Eddie Aparicio Landa |
870-874 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-129 |
Defining key developmental understandings in congruence proofs from a transformation approach |
Julia St. Goar, Yvonne Lai |
875-879 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-130 |
Using task design methodology to unpack teachers’ (mis)conceptions about procedural and conceptual knowledge |
Angelica Monarrez, Mourat Tchoshanov |
880-884 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-131 |
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: Poster Presentations |
885 |
A study on the relationship between tutor’s content knowledge and their tutoring decisions |
Jose Saul Barbosa, Christopher James Duffer |
886-887 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-132 |
Novice teachers interpretation of fractions |
Brian Bowen |
888-889 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-133 |
Advancing reasoning and proof in secondary mathematics classrooms: instructional modules for supporting teachers |
Orly Buchbinder, Sharon McCrone |
890-891 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-134 |
Technological knowledge of mathematics pre-service teachers at the beginning of their methodology courses / Conocimiento tecnológico de los futuros maestros de matemáticas al iniciar sus cursos de metodología |
Yency Choque-Dextre, Juliette Moreno-Concepción, Omar Hernández-Rodríguez, Wanda Villafañe-Cepeda, Gloriana González |
892-894 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-135 |
Exploring mathematics teacher educators’ avenues for professional growth: A review of the research literature |
Dana Olanoff, Priya Vinata Prasad, Rachael M. Welder |
895-897 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-136 |
1/2, 1/3 or 2/4? Interpretation of elementary school teachers’ answers to an evaluation / ¿1/2, 1/3 o 2/4? Interpretación de respuestas de docentes de nivel básico a una evaluación |
Armando Paulino Preciado Babb, María Estela Navarro Robles |
898-900 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-137 |
The ideas of Giordano Bruno as a teaching alternative |
Felipe de Jesús Matías, Aurora Gallardo |
901-903 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-138 |
Mathematical Processes and Modeling |
< |
Research Reports |
904 |
Exploring secondary students’ proving competencies through clinical interviews with smartpens |
Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer |
905-913 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-139 |
Developing a framework for characterizing student analogical activity in mathematics |
Michael D. Hicks |
914-921 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-140 |
How mathematical modeling enables learning? |
Sindura Subanemy Kandasamy, Jennifer Czocher |
922-930 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-141 |
Establishing a Cartesian coordination in the Ant Farm Task: The case of Ginny |
Hwa Young Lee, Hamilton L. Hardison, Sindura Kandasamy, Lino Guajardo |
931-939 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-142 |
Prospective K-8 teachers’ problem posing: Interpretations of tasks that promote mathematical argumentation |
Marta T. Magiera |
940-948 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-143 |
Mathematical knowledge and skills of university students when solving a MEA / Conocimientos y habilidades matemáticas de estudiantes universitarios al realizar una MEA |
Iván I. Rodríguez-González, Verónica Vargas-Alejo, Luis E. Montero-Moguel |
949-965 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-144 |
Mathematical Processes and Modeling: Brief Research Reports |
966 |
Model eliciting activity for hypothesis testing with engineering students/ Actividad provocadora de modelos para prueba de hipótesis con estudiantes de ingeniería |
Sergio Damian Camacho-Aguilar, Martha Aguiar Barrera, Humberto Pulido Gutiérrez |
967-975 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-145 |
An analysis of students’ mathematical models for Music |
Kimberly Corum, Melike Kara, Emma Talbot, Tatiana Ilina |
976-980 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-146 |
Beyond patterns: making sense of patterns-based generalizations through empirical re-conceptualization |
Amy B. Ellis, Elise Lockwood |
981-985 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-147 |
Creativity-in-progress rubric on problem solving at the post-secondary level |
Gulden Karakok, Houssein El Turkey, Miloš Savić, Gail Tang, Emily Cilli-Turner, Paul Regier |
986-990 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-148 |
A quantitative reasoning study of student-reported difficulties when solving related rates problems |
Thembinkosi P. Mkhatshwa |
991-995 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-149 |
Secondary teachers’ differing views on who should learn proving and why |
Samuel Otten, Mitchelle M. Wambua, Rajendran Govender |
996-1000 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-150 |
The role of the researcher’s questions in a clinical interview on students’ perceived problem solving |
Reyhan Safak, Karoline Smucker, Azita Manouchehri |
1001-1004 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-151 |
Proportional thinking: a comparative study among fourth and fifth grade children / El pensamiento proporcional: un estudio comparativo entre niños de cuarto y quinto de primaria |
Mike Saldaña Guerrero, Sofia K. Vázquez Gómez |
1005-1013 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-152 |
Stages in using proof techniques: Student development in the transition to proof |
V. Rani Satyam |
1014-1022 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-153 |
Attend to structure and the development of mathematical generalizations in a dynamic geometry environment |
Xiangquan Yao |
1023-1027 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-154 |
Mathematical Processes and Modeling: Poster Presentations |
1028 |
How to pose it: developing a problem-posing framework |
José N. Contreras |
1029-1030 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-155 |
Domain appropriateness and skepticism in viable argumentation |
Robert Ely, David Yopp, Anne E. Adams |
1031-1032 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-156 |
Examining justification of third-grade children when they engaged in equal-sharing problems |
Hochieh Lin |
1033-1034 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-157 |
A content focused task schematization around mathematical modeling problems: quantities |
Ayse Ozturk |
1035-1036 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-158 |
Exploring high school students’ validation methods in the mathematical modeling process |
Ayse Ozturk |
1037-1038 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-159 |
Prompting quantitative reasoning patterns with mathematical modeling problems |
Patti Brosnan, Ayse Ozturk |
1039-1040 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-160 |
Making sense of senseless things: an enactivist analysis of harmony and dissonance in problem solving |
Erin Pomponio, Steven Greenstein, Denish Akuom |
1041-1042 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-161 |
Talking in mathematics ‒ do we know how? |
Pauline Tiong |
1043-1044 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-162 |
Development of the mathematic modeling process in mathematics undergraduate students / Desarrollo del proceso de modelación matemática en estudiantes de licenciatura en matemáticas |
Jesús David Berrio Valbuena, Zuriel Fitzgerald Peña Ubarne, Maria de los Ángeles Torrenegra Giraldo |
1045-1047 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-163 |
Didactic sequence for learning problem solving concerning the use of relative extrema / Secuencia didáctica: el aprendizaje de resolución de problemas referentes al uso de extremos relativos |
Paulina Villalón Valdez, Claudia Margarita Orozco Rodríguez, Fernando Ignacio Becerra López, Juana Adriana Ascencio Escamilla |
1048-1050 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-164 |
Secondary teachers’ practical rationality of mathematical modeling |
Wenmin Zhao, Samuel Otten |
1051-1052 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-165 |
Miscellaneous Topics |
Research Reports |
1053 |
Numerical estimation skills, epistemic cognition and climate change: mathematical skills and dispositions that can support science learning |
Ian Thacker |
1054-1062 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-166 |
Miscellaneous Topics: Brief Research Reports |
1063 |
Utilizing mathematics to examine sea level rise as an environmental and a social issue |
Debasmita Basu, Nicole Panorkou |
1064-1068 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-167 |
Sources of evolution of university students’ views on mathematical creativity |
Emily Cilli-Turner, Miloš Savić, Gail Tang, Houssein El Turkey, Gulden Karakok |
1069-1073 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-168 |
Learning to pose problems within dynamic geometry environments: a self study involving Varignon’s problem |
José N. Contreras |
1074-1079 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-169 |
A large-scale study on teacher noticing |
Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Jessica Rodrigues |
1080-1084 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-170 |
Reasoning about the rate of change while linking CO2 pollution to global warming |
Darío A. González |
1085-1093 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-171 |
Miscellaneous Topics: Poster Presentations |
1094 |
Posing problems about geometric situations: A study of prospective secondary mathematics teachers |
José N. Contreras |
1095-1097 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-172 |
Comprehension of complex mathematical tasks within the scholarized cultural environment in third-grade / Entendimiento de tareas matemáticas complejas dentro del entorno cultural escolarizado, en 3° grado de primaria |
Uriel Escobar, Felipe Tirado |
1098-1099 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-173 |
Transformations of figures in O’dam embroidery´s / Transformaciones de figuras en morrales O’dam |
Erika Janeth Frayre Larreta, Alicia López Betancourt |
1100-1102 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-174 |
You say brutal, I say thursday: isn’t it obvious? |
Sarah Sword, Anne Marie Marshall, Michael Young |
1103-1104 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-175 |
Kindergarten students’ spatial thinking: practices on debugging of building blocks |
Lili Zhou, Sezai Kocabas |
1105-1106 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-176 |
Precalculus, Calculus, or Higher Mathematics |
Research Reports |
1107 |
Two prospective middle school teachers reinvent combinatorial formulas: permutations and arrangements |
Joseph Antonides, Michael T. Battista |
1108-1116 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-177 |
Report of a classroom experience for the development of distribution models / Experiencia en el aula para el desarrollo de modelos para el reparto |
María José Aviña González, Angelina Alvarado Monroy |
1117-1129 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-178 |
Constrasting social and sociomathematical norms of two groups of students in a postsecondary Precalculus class |
David Fifty, Orly Buchbinder, Sharon McCrone |
1130-1138 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-179 |
Students’ reasoning about multivariational structures |
Steven R. Jones, Haley P. Jeppson |
1139-1147 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-180 |
“Dyslexia is naturally commutative”: Insider accounts of dyslexia from research mathematicians |
Rachel Lambert, Edmund Harriss |
1148-1155 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-181 |
What Is a Function? |
Alison Mirin, Keith Weber, Nicholas Wasserman |
1156-1164 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-182 |
Understanding the roles of proof through exploration of unsolved conjectures |
Jeffrey Pair, Gabe Calva |
1165-1171 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-183 |
Precalculus, Calculus, or Higher Mathematics: Brief Research Reports |
1172 |
Towards a didactic distinction between Calculus and Analysis. The case of the notion of variable / Hacia una distinción didáctica entre el Cálculo y el Análisis. El caso de la noción de variable |
María Teresa Dávila Araiza, Agustín Grijalva Monteverde |
1173-1181 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-184 |
Constructing rates of change through a units coordinating lens: The story of Rick |
Jeffrey A. Grabhorn, Steven Boyce |
1182-1185 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-185 |
Detection of difficulties in endowing the notions of change and variation with meaning through iteration / Detección de dificultades en la dotación de significado de las nociones de cambio y variación mediante iteración |
Arturo E. Meléndez, Eugenio Filloy, Luis Puig |
1186-1193 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-186 |
Function identity and the fundamental theorem of calculus |
Alison Mirin |
1194-1198 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-187 |
Undergraduate mathematics majors’ problem solving and argumentation |
Hannali Pajela, Sarah Roberts, Mary E. Brenner |
1199-1203 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-188 |
Teachers-in-training’s reflections on the teaching of calculus to people with distinct characteristics / Profesores en formación que reflexionan sobre la enseñanza del cálculo a personas con características diferenciadas |
Sandra Evely Parada Rico, Cristian Leonardo Echeverría Ballesteros |
1204-1212 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-189 |
From recursion to induction: students’ generalization practices through the lens of combinatorial games |
Cody L. Patterson, Lino Guajardo, Emma Yu |
1213-1217 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-190 |
Students’ understanding of linear algebra concepts underlying a procedure in a quantum mechanics task |
Kaitlyn Stephens Serbin, Megan Wawro |
1218-1222 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-191 |
“Solving versus relating”: Pre-service teachers’ conflicting images of formulas and dynamic contexts |
Irma E. Stevens |
1223-1227 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-192 |
Precalculus, Calculus, or Higher Mathematics: Poster Presentations |
1228 |
First fundamental theorem of calculus: How do engineering students interpret and apply it? / Primer teorema fundamental del cálculo: ¿cómo lo interpretan y aplican estudiantes de ingeniería? |
Omar Arenas Bonifacio, Ernesto Alonso Sánchez Sánchez |
1229-1231 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-193 |
The variation, covariation and the reference system in the construction of Cartesian ideas / La variación, la covariación y el sistema de referencia en la construcción de ideas cartesianas |
Itzel González Rodríguez, José David Zaldívar Rojas |
1232-1234 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-194 |
Mathematical modeling for studying the concept of integral through an authentic problem / Modelación matemática para el estudio del concepto de integral a través de un problema auténtico |
Shirley Johana Toloza Peña, Jorge Enrique Fiallo Leal |
1235-1237 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-195 |
Statistics and Probability |
Research Reports |
1238 |
Comparison strategies by quotient and the urn model in the choice of probabilities / Estrategias de comparación por cociente y el modelo de urna en la elección de probabilidades |
Maribel Aguas-Hidalgo, Ricardo Quintero-Zazueta |
1239-1253 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-196 |
High-school students’ probabilistic reasoning when working with random intervals |
Sandra Areli Martínez Pérez, Ernesto A Sánchez Sánchez |
1254-1261 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-197 |
Covariational reasoning patterns of high school students in problems of correlation and linear regression / Patrones de razonamiento covariacional de estudiantes de bachillerato en problemas de correlacion y regresión lineal |
Miguel Medina, Eleazar Silvestre |
1262-1279 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-198 |
Types of orchestrations in a case study of a statistics constructionist teaching practice / Tipos de orquestación en un estudio de caso de una enseñanza construccionista de la estadística |
Perla Marysol Ruiz-Arias, Ana Isabel Sacristán |
1280-1297 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-199 |
High school students’ misconceptions about significance testing with a repeated sampling approach |
Ernesto Sánchez Sánchez, Víctor N. García Rios, Eleazar Silvestre Castro, Guadalupe Carrasco Licea |
1298-1306 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-200 |
Statistics and probability: Brief Research Reports |
1307 |
Fundamental statistical ideas in primary / Ideas fundamentales de estadística en primaria |
Santiago Inzunza |
1308-1316 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-201 |
Reasoning about association for categorical data using contingency tables and mosaic plots |
Sheri E. Johnson |
1317-1321 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-202 |
Students’ “multi-sample distribution” misconception about sampling distributions |
Kiya L. Eliason, Steven R. Jones |
1322-1330 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-203 |
Conditional probability in early childhood: a case study |
Brigitte Johana Sánchez Robayo, Jesse L. M. Wilkins |
1331-1335 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-204 |
The impact of self-collected data on students’ statistical analysis |
Karoline Smucker, Azita Manouchehri |
1336-1340 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-205 |
Statistics and Probability: Poster Presentations |
1341 |
Decision-making problem for interpreting algebraic inequalities / Problemas de toma de decisión para interpretar las inecuaciones algebraicas |
Sharon Samantha Membreño Estrada, Claudia Margarita Acuña Soto |
1342-1343 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-206 |
Model eliciting activity for learning statistical techniques for process control / Actividad provocadora de modelos para el aprendizaje de técnicas estadísticas de control de procesos |
Ponce Vega Luis Martin, Aguiar Barrera Martha Elena, Gutiérrez Pulido Humberto |
1344-1346 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-207 |
The role of simulation in solving probability tasks |
Karoline Smucker |
1347-1348 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-208 |
Student Learning and Related Factors |
Research Reports |
1349 |
Mathematics anxiety as a mediator for gender differences in 2012 PISA mathematics scores |
Jennifer Cox, Erik Jacobson |
1350-1359 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-209 |
Elementary students and their self-identified emotions as they engaged in mathematical problem solving |
Jenna R. O’Dell, Todd Frauenholtz |
1360-1368 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-210 |
Student Learning and Related Factors: Brief Research Reports |
1369 |
A culture of change: Students stories in undergraduate reform math |
John Bragelman, Wesley Maciejewski |
1370-1373 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-211 |
Discovering square roots: Productive struggle in middle school mathematics |
Cindy Cattey, Cody Patterson |
1374-1378 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-212 |
Everyday experiences and school knowledge of mathematics. An enactive approach / Experiencias cotidianas y conocimientos escolares de matemáticas. una aproximación enactivista |
Edda N. Jimenez de la Rosa y Barrios |
1379-1385 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-213 |
Moving towards meaning making in multiplication: A preliminary report of an intervention in number sense |
Rachel Lambert, Monica Mendoza, Tomy Nguyen |
1386-1389 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-214 |
Gender differences in attitudes towards mathematics and STEM major choice: The importance of mathematics identity |
Dalton Marsh, Sheree Sharpe |
1390-1394 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-215 |
Investigating self-efficacy, test anxiety, and performance in college Algebra |
Yuliya Melnikova, Valerie Long, Russell S. Stocker |
1395-1398 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-216 |
Monopolizing teacher attention: A case of multilingual learners’ competence embodied in social formations |
Isaac T Nichols-Paez |
1399-1404 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-217 |
Mother-centered understanding of mathematical interactions with children: Pursuing positive intent |
Sam Prough |
1405-1409 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-218 |
Didactic purposes and functions of security and doubt in mathematical contents / Fines y funciones didácticas de la seguridad y la duda en contenidos matemáticos |
Mirela Rigo-Lemini, María Alejandra Bernal-Pinzón, Esperanza Carolina Orozco-del-Castillo |
1410-1418 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-219 |
Comparing transfer and non-transfer college students’ mathematics professional vision |
Sarah A. Roberts, Hannali Pajela |
1419-1423 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-220 |
Spontaneous mathematical moments between caregiver and child during an engineering design project |
Amber Simpson, Qiu Zhong |
1424-1428 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-221 |
Manifestations of bias within preservice teachers professional noticing of children’s mathematical thinking |
Jonathan Thomas, Taylor Marzilli, Brittney Sawyer, Cindy Jong, Molly H. Fisher |
1429-1433 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-222 |
Middle school students’ contextualized geometric spatial understandings |
Jennifer Wilhelm, Merryn Cole, Emily Driessen, Samantha Ringl |
1434-1438 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-223 |
Student Learning and Related Factors: Poster Presentations |
1439 |
Preschool-aged children’s emergent dispositions with respect to mathematics |
James E. R. Beyers, Megan Sytsma |
1440-1441 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-224 |
A preliminary model of influences on adolescents’ perceptions of usefulness in school mathematics |
Tracy E. Dobie, Rachel Francom |
1442-1443 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-225 |
Exploring the relationship between math anxiety, working memory and teacher practices |
Luke Duncan, Karen High |
1444-1445 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-226 |
Problem posing in partitive and quotitive division |
Amanda Lake Heath, L. Jeneva Clark |
1446-1447 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-227 |
Modal continuity in Deaf students’ signed mathematical discourse |
Christina M. Krause, Dor Abrahamson |
1448-1449 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-228 |
Adolescents’ mathematics identities in a math circle |
Rileigh Luczak |
1450-1451 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-229 |
Tutoring lab attendance and time spent on homework: Impact on student performance in college algebra |
Yuliya Melnikova, Valerie Long, Courtlyn Adams |
1452-1453 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-230 |
Student inquiry in interesting lessons |
Hector I. Nieves, Rashmi Singh, Leslie Dietiker |
1454-1455 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-231 |
Problem solving dispositions in rural communities |
Frederick A. Peck, Mary Alice Carlson, Adewale Adeolu, Sara Killeen, Katherine McWalters |
1456-1457 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-232 |
The effects of worked example formats on student learning of Algebra |
Hannah Smith, Avery Harrison, Jenny Yun-Chen Chan, Erin Ottmar |
1458-1459 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-233 |
Teacher Education (Pre‑service) |
Research Reports |
1460 |
Using video analysis to improve preservice elementary teachers’ noticing skills |
Liza Bondurant, Lisa Poling, Diana Moss |
1461-1468 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-234 |
Counterstories of preservice elementary teachers: strategies for successful completion of their math content sequence |
Anne Cawley, Hazar Eldick, Samantha Cano |
1469-1476 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-235 |
Productive seeds in preservice teachers’ reasoning about fraction comparisons |
Ian Whitacre, Kelly Findley, Sebnem Atabas |
1477-1484 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-236 |
Didatic-mathematical knowledge and competence of prospective secondary school mathematics teachers on linear variation / Conocimientos y competencias didáctico-matemáticos de futuros profesores de matemáticas de secundaria sobre variación lineal |
Karina Jaquelin Herrera García, María Teresa Dávila Araiza |
1485-1502 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-237 |
What does it mean to be me? A preservice mathematics teacher’s identity development during an education abroad program |
Blair Izard |
1503-1509 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-238 |
Classroom events on problem solving with Geogebra anticipated by future mathematics teachers |
Alexánder Hernández, Josefa Perdomo-Díaz, Matías Camacho-Machín |
1510-1518 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-239 |
Latinx paraeducators lived mathematical experiences |
David Slavit, Gisela Ernst-Slavit |
1519-1526 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-240 |
Modeling to understand the world around us and our place in it: If the world were a village |
Eva Thanheiser, Brenda Rosencrans, Brittney Ellis, Amanda Sugimoto, Torrey Kulow, Molly Robinson |
1527-1534 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-241 |
Investigating elementary pre-service teachers’ conceptions of mathematical creativity |
Anne N. Waswa, Kevin C. Moore |
1535-1543 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-242 |
Teacher Education (Pre-service) Brief Research Reports |
1544 |
The use of mixed-reality simulations as a tool for preparating pre-service teachers and their perceptions and opinions / Uso de simulacion de realidad-mixta como herramienta en la formación de maestros: percepciones y opiniones |
Jair J. Aguilar, James A. Telese |
1545-1555 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-243 |
Pre-service teachers’ operationalization of cognitive demand across context |
Monica Anthony, Margaret Walton, William Viviani |
1556-1560 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-244 |
Reflective conversation as a means to develop knowledge in future mathematics teachers |
Eddie Aparicio-Landa, Landy Sosa-Moguel |
1561-1566 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-245 |
Real-time coaching with secondary preservice teachers: The practices of mathematics teacher educators |
Fran Arbaugh, Raymond LaRochelle, Seonmi Do, Azaria Cunningham, Kevin Voogt, Michelle Cirillo, Kristen N. Bieda |
1567-1571 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-246 |
Frameworks for noticing in mathematics education research |
Dominique Banner |
1572-1576 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-247 |
Prospective elementary teachers’ use of contextual knowledge when solving problematic word problems |
José N. Contreras |
1577-1584 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-248 |
Using strip diagrams to support prospective middle school teachers’ explanations for fraction multiplication |
Eric Cordero-Siy |
1585-1589 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-249 |
Pre-service teachers’ patterns of questioning while tutoring students with learning disabilities in Algebra 1 |
Anna F. DeJarnette, Casey Hord |
1590-1594 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-250 |
Pre-service elementary teachers navigating tensions related to classroom social dynamics through hypothetical teaching scenarios |
Tracy E. Dobie, Lauren Barth-Cohen, Rachel Francom, Kevin Greenberg, José Gutiérrez |
1595-1600 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-251 |
Error patterns in prospective K-8 teachers’ posing of multi-step addition and subtraction word problems |
Ali Foran, Rachael M. Welder |
1601-1605 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-252 |
Conceptual and procedural learning in pre-service mathematics teachers during a conversation / Aprendizaje conceptual y procedimental en profesores de matemáticas en formación durante una conversación |
Karla Gómez Osalde, Eddie Aparicio Landa, Landy Sosa Moguel |
1606-1614 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-253 |
Prospective teachers’ strategies for evaluating non-standard angular measurement tools |
Hamilton L. Hardison, Hwa Young Lee |
1615-1619 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-254 |
Pre-service teachers’ developing instructional strategies for English language learners in secondary mathematics |
Brittany Caldwell, Salvador Huitzilopochtli |
1620-1623 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-255 |
Pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evolution of communally agreed-on criteria for proof |
Yi-Yin Ko, Dalton Edgecomb, Nathan Kooi |
1624-1628 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-256 |
Analyzing how reflective discussions in a content course influence prospective teachers’ beliefs |
Alexa W.C. Lee-Hassan |
1629-1633 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-257 |
Can confidence in mathematical afirmationsinfluence negatively in the advance of the discipline? Why? / ¿La confianza en afirmaciones matemáticas puede influir negativamente en el avance de la disciplina? ¿Por qué? |
Benjamín Martínez-Navarro, Mirela Rigo-Lemini |
1634-1642 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-258 |
Preservice teachers analysis of the use of history in mathematics lessons |
Michael S Meagher, Asli Özgün-Koca |
1643-1647 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-259 |
Preservice teachers’ perceptions of a lesson study connecting multicultural literature with culturally responsive mathematics teaching |
Alesia Mickle Moldavan |
1648-1652 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-260 |
Conceptual systems when implementing model-eliciting activities / Sistemas conceptuales al implementar actividades provocadoras de modelos |
Luis E. Montero-Moguel, Verónica Vargas-Alejo, Iván I. Rodríguez-González |
1653-1661 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-261 |
Explicit teaching of questioning in math methods course: Preservice teachers’ attempts to ask probing questions |
Susie Morrissey, Ozgul Kartal, Gorjana Popovic |
1662-1666 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-262 |
Supporting fractions as measures in an online mathematics methods course |
Diana Moss, Steven Boyce, Beth L. MacDonald, Claudia Bertolone-Smith |
1667-1671 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-263 |
Preparing to elicit student thinking: Supporting PST questioning in an university teaching experience |
Sheila Orr, Kristen Bieda |
1672-1676 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-264 |
Prospective teachers’ interpretations of mathematical reasoning |
Hyejin Park, Marta T. Magiera |
1677-1681 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-265 |
Resources that preservice and inservice teachers offer in collaborative analysis of student thinking |
Cody L. Patterson, Hiroko K. Warshauer, Max L. Warshauer |
1682-1686 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-266 |
Prospective elementary teachers’ content knowledge of decimal magnitude and place value |
Rachel Starks, Ziv Feldman |
1687-1691 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-267 |
Teachers candidates’ implementations of equitable mathematics teaching practices: An examination of divergent paths |
Angela Stoltz, Imani Goffney, Kelly K. Ivy, Tarik Buli, Ebony Terrell Shockley |
1692-1697 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-268 |
Exploring shifts in a student’s graphical shape thinking |
Madhavi Vishnubhotla, Teo Paoletti |
1698-1702 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-269 |
Exploring preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge of teaching fractions |
1703-1707 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-270 |
Teacher Education (Pre-service): Poster presentations |
1708 |
Future teachers of basic geometry: Crossroads between the knowledge of two school cultures of mathematics |
Alejandra Avalos-Rogel, Marleny Hernández Escobar |
1709-1711 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-271 |
Developing prospective teachers’ representational fluency of whole number multiplication using array representations |
Neet Priya Bajwa, Jennifer M. Tobias, Dana Olanoff, Rachael M. Welder |
1712-1713 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-272 |
The power of caring and funds of knowledge in teacher learning |
Jessica Davidson, Eileen Fernández |
1714-1715 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-273 |
Prospective teachers’ affordances and challenges of seeing students’ mathematical strengths |
Monica Gonzalez, Katherine Baker, Kathleen Nitta, Erin Smith, Tracy Dobie, Naomi Jessup, Jennifer Ward |
1716-1717 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-274 |
The UTE model: Animating pre-service teachers’ visions for student engagement |
Jonathan Gregg, Raymond LaRochelle, Azaria Cunningham, Seonmi Do, Kristen Bieda, Fran Arbaugh |
1718-1719 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-275 |
SEE math (support and enrichment experiences in mathematics) program |
Crystal Kalinec-Craig, Emily P. Bonner |
1720-1721 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-276 |
Pre-service elementary education teachers’ solutions for word problems: Using strip diagram vs. algebraic approach |
Melike Kara, Kimberly Corum |
1722-1723 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-277 |
Designing pedagogies of practice for a critical practice-based teacher education |
Joshua H. Karr |
1724-1725 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-278 |
Documenting adaptive expertise through the evolving use of an enactment tool |
Joshua H. Karr, Erin E. Baldinger, Matthew P. Campbell, Sean P. Freeland |
1726-1727 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-279 |
Evaluation of a software solution for refreshing pre-service teachers’ mathematics content knowledge |
Anjali Khirwadkar, Steven Khan, Joyce Mgombelo |
1728-1729 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-280 |
Professional teacher noticing as embodied activity |
Karl W. Kosko, Jennifer Heisler, Enrico Gandolfi |
1730-1731 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-281 |
Distinctions in preservice teachers’ asset-based noticings of middle school students’ mathematical strengths |
Brian R. Lawler, Dorothy Y. White |
1732-1733 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-282 |
Mathematics is everywhere: intersection of PST perceptions and non-mathematics-education faculty perceptions and observable actions |
Mary Elizabeth Riley Lloyd |
1734-1735 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-283 |
Creative mathematical reasoning and content as an evaluative framework for preservice teacher experiences |
Tami S. Martin, Craig J. Cullen |
1736-1737 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-284 |
Textbook use of children’s thinking to support prospective elementary teachers’ geometric understanding |
Brooke Max, Rachael Welder |
1738-1739 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-285 |
Using multiple strategies tasks to explore pre-service teachers’ persistence |
Amanda Jo Meiners, Kyong Mi Choi, Dae Hong |
1740-1741 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-286 |
Advancing understanding of equity with case study dilemmas: Lessons from preservice teachers |
Alesia Mickle Moldavan, Monica Gonzalez |
1742-1743 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-287 |
Relationship between not knowing and successful problem solving among pre-service secondary mathematics teachers |
Gulshat Shakirova, Mourat Tchoshanov, Kevin Fierro |
1744-1745 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-288 |
Fostering student teachers’ spatial reasoning: the robotics Mars challenge |
Mawuli Kofi Tay, Armando Paulino Preciado-Babb |
1746-1747 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-289 |
Teacher Education (In-service) / Professional Development |
Research Reports |
1748 |
Methodology for the design of didactic sequences for secondary mathematics in a technological context / Metodología para el diseño de secuencias didácticas para matemática de secundaria en un contexto tecnólogico |
Jamil Fabiola Alvarado Sánchez, José Luis Soto Munguía |
1749-1764 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-290 |
Coaches’ and teachers’ noticing through annotations: Exploring analytic stance across coaching cycles |
Julie M. Amador, Ryan Gillespie, Jeffrey Choppin, Cyndi Carson |
1765-1773 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-291 |
Articulating effective middle grades instructional practices in a teacher-researcher alliance |
Joe Champion, Angela R Crawford, Michele Carney |
1774-1781 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-292 |
Studying a synchronous online course using a community of inquiry framework |
Jeffrey Choppin, Julie Amador, Cynthia Callard, Cynthia Carson |
1782-1790 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-293 |
“I must be a glutton for punishment”: Teachers’ emotions related to videorecording of mathematics instruction |
Dionne Cross Francis, Jinqing Liu, Ayfer Eker, Pavneet K. Bharaj, Kemol Lloyd, Ji Hong, Mihyun Jeon |
1791-1799 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-294 |
Reconciling local contexts and external conceptual resources in mathematics teachers’ collaborative sensemaking |
Nadav Ehrenfeld, Katherine Schneeberger McGugan, Samantha A. Marshall, Brette Garner |
1800-1808 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-295 |
Examining how teachers enact the suggestions of a coach: Critique of a methodology |
Ryan Gillespie, Julie M. Amador, Jeffrey Choppin |
1809-1817 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-296 |
Changes in practicing secondary teachers’ professional noticing over a long-term professional development program |
Raymond LaRochelle, Sloan Hill-Lindsay, Susan Nickerson, Lisa Lamb |
1818-1827 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-297 |
An exploration of mathematics teacher leaders in PME-NA proceedings from 1984-2019 |
Evthokia Stephanie Saclarides, Courtney Baker, Allison Mudd, Stefanie Livers, Kristin Harbour, Margret Hjalmarson |
1828-1836 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-298 |
Teacher Education (In-service) / Professional Development: Brief Research Reports |
1837 |
A collaborative professional development model: promoting shifts in classroom practice |
Pavneet Kaur Bharaj, Enrique Galindo, Jinqing Liu, Gina Borgioli Yoder |
1838-1842 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-299 |
Self-efficacy and the kernel of content knowledge |
L. Jeneva Clark, Peggy Bertrand, Amanda Lake Heath |
1843-1847 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-300 |
Contributing factors to secondary mathematics teachers’ professional identity |
Jennifer Cribbs, Jianna Davenport, Lisa Duffin, Martha Day |
1848-1852 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-301 |
Mathematics teachers’ perceptions of their instruction for multilingual learners through professional development experiences |
Cameron Dexter Torti, Sarah A. Roberts, Julie A. Bianchini |
1853-1857 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-302 |
A framework for the facilitation of online professional development to support instructional change |
Nicholas Fortune, Ralph Chikhany, William Hall, Karen Allen Keene |
1858-1862 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-303 |
Influences on early-career mathematics’ teachers vision of teaching with technology: a longitudinal study |
Suzanne R. Harper, Dana C. Cox |
1863-1867 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-304 |
Mathematics specialists and teacher leaders: an ongoing qualitative synthesis |
Margret A. Hjalmarson, Evthokia Stephanie Saclarides, Kristin Harbour, Stefanie Livers, Courtney K. Baker |
1868-1872 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-305 |
Towards reflection on the practice in a learning community of higher-level mathematics teachers |
Miguel Ángel Huerta-Vázquez, Olimpia Figueras |
1873-1877 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-306 |
The evolution of teachers’ conceptions of teaching mathematical modeling through participation in lesson study |
Jenifer Hummer |
1878-1886 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-307 |
Characterizing feedback given among mathematics teachers: classroom observations |
Erin E. Krupa, Mika Munakata |
1887-1891 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-308 |
Examining in-service teachers’ diagnostic competence |
Jinqing Liu, Erik Jacobson, Pavneet Kaur Bharaj |
1892-1896 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-309 |
The design, implementation, and impact of a collaborative responsive professional development (CRPD) model |
Jinqing Liu, Enrique Galindo, Gina Borgioli Yoder, Pavneet Kaur Bharaj |
1897-1901 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-310 |
Position and sensemaking in rehearsal debrief discussions |
Jen Munson, Erin E. Baldinger, Sarah Larison |
1902-1906 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-311 |
Aisspommootsiio’pa – A collaboration to improve teaching and learning mathematics at the Kainai nation |
Armando Paulino Preciado Babb, Jodi Harker |
1907-1911 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-312 |
“This is you. This is your family”: Case study on attending to mathematical language development |
Eric Cordero-Siy, Sam Prough, Elzena McVicar, Hala Ghousseini, Elham Kazemi |
1912-1916 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-313 |
Teachers’ cognitive processes during the teaching of fractions and multiplicative problems / Los procesos cognitivos de profesores durante la enseñanza de fracciones y problemas multiplicativos |
Marta Ramírez Cruz, Marta Elena Valdemoros Álvarez |
1917-1925 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-314 |
Challenges influencing secondary mathematics teacher’s transition towards teaching with virtual manipulatives |
Lindsay Reiten |
1926-1930 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-315 |
How facilitators define, design, and implement effective early childhood mathematics professional development |
Alexis Spina, Meghan Macias, Paul N. Reimer |
1931-1935 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-316 |
The design and implementation of an intervention to support and Retain early career mathematics teachers |
Lisa Amick, Maria Campitelli, Paula Jakopovic, Judy Kysh, Dawn Parker, April Pforts, Travis Weiland, Laura J Wilding |
1936-1940 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-317 |
Collaborative learning within an informal community: How online spaces can catalyze change |
Heather West, Robin Keturah Anderson, Amanda Kates |
1941-1945 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-318 |
Teacher Education (In-service) / Professional Development: Poster presentations |
1946 |
Self-directed learning for rural mathematics teachers |
Robin Keturah Anderson, Kelly L. Boles |
1947-1948 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-319 |
Exploring video coaching practices of online mathematics coaches |
Cynthia Carson, Jeffrey Choppin |
1949-1950 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-320 |
Elementary teachers’ beliefs about teaching mathematics and science: Implications for Argumentation |
AnnaMarie Conner, Claire Miller, Jenna Menke, Yuling Zhuang |
1951-1952 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-321 |
The semiosphere: A lens to look at lesson study practices in their cultural context |
Carola Manolino |
1953-1954 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-322 |
From terrified to comfortable: a fourth-grade teacher’s journey in teaching coding |
Jenna Menke, Claire Miller |
1955-1956 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-323 |
Getting a foot in the door: Examining mathematics coaches’ Strategies for gaining access to classrooms |
Jen Munson, Evthokia Stephanie Saclarides |
1957-1958 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-324 |
Coteaching as professional development: A study of secondary mathematics teachers partnering to transition practice |
Jessica Tybursky Nuzzi |
1959-1960 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-325 |
One teacher’s learning to facilitate argumentation: focus on the use of repeating |
Hyejin Park, AnnaMarie Conner, Laura M. Singletary, Jonathan K. Foster, Yuling Zhuang |
1961-1962 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-326 |
Developing argumentation practices for teachers |
Sam Prough, Eric Siy, Hala Ghousseini |
1963-1964 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-327 |
Remote engagement in early mathematics professional development: Using tangible artifacts to mediate participation |
Paul N. Reimer, Aileen Rizo, Steve Pauls |
1965 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-328 |
Promoting coaches’ learning through doing the math together |
Evthokia Stephanie Saclarides, Britnie Delinger Kane |
1966-1967 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-329 |
Challenges in improving and measuring mathematics discussion leading practice |
Meghan Shaughnessy, Nicole Garcia, Jillian Peterson Mortimer, Kristen D’Anna Pynes |
1968-1969 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-330 |
A mathematics teacher’s curricular decisions |
Elizabeth Suazo-Flores |
1970-1971 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-331 |
From highly receptive to highly skeptical: Engaging all teachers through responsive PD facilitation |
Christine Taylor, Jean S. Lee |
1972-1973 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-332 |
Teaching and Classroom Practice |
Research Reports |
1974 |
A case of shared authority during a student demonstration in a mathematics classroom |
Sunghwan Byun, Lee Melvin Peralta, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann |
1975-1983 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-333 |
High school mathematics teachers’ orientations toward engagement |
Amanda Jansen, Kelly Curtis, Amanda Mohammad Mirzaei, Cathy Cullicott, Ethan Smith, James Middleton |
1984-1992 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-334 |
Supporting english learner students’ development of the mathematics register through an instructional intervention |
Richard Kitchen, Libni B. Castellón, Karla Matute |
1993-2000 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-335 |
Disentangling the role of context and community in teacher professional development uptake |
Karen Koellner, Nicora Placa, Nanette Seago, Grace Yormak |
2001-2008 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-336 |
Supporting inclusion of students that typically struggle with mathematics in cognitively demanding small-group discourse |
Kristy Litster |
2009-2016 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-337 |
Profiling productive mathematical teaching moves in 4th-8th mathematics classrooms |
Kathleen Melhuish, Sharon K. Strickland, Brittney Ellis, Simon Byeonguk Han, Autumn Pham, Eva Thanheiser |
2017-2025 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-338 |
Teaching and Classroom Practice: Brief Research Reports |
2026 |
Practices of facilitators when planning mathematical modeling activities in an informal setting |
Adewale, A.S |
2027-2031 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-339 |
Exploring teachers’ constructions of equity in mathematics education: an ecological approach |
Megan Brunner |
2032-2036 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-340 |
Preservice teachers’ perceptions of depictions of mathematics teaching practice when enduring individual characteristics are introduced |
Lawrence M. Clark, Blake O’Neal Turner, Kristyn Lue |
2037-2041 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-341 |
Instructional tensions faced while engaging high school geometry students in SMP3 tasks |
Kimberly Conner, Brooke Krejci |
2042-2046 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-342 |
Mathematics instructors’ attention to instructional interactions in discussions of teaching rehearsals |
Lindsay Czap, Sally Ahrens, Alyson E. Lischka |
2047-2051 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-343 |
Orchestrating both student authority and accountability to the discipline when guiding students presenting a proof |
Mette Andresen, Bettina Dahl |
2052-2056 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-344 |
Reviewing the literature on flipped mathematics instruction: a qualitative meta-analysis |
Ruby L. Ellis, Jaepil Han, Zandra de Araujo, Samuel Otten |
2057-2061 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-345 |
Connecting ideas and gesturing during whole-class discussions |
Jonathan K. Foster |
2062-2066 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-346 |
One teacher’s analysis of her questioning in support of collective argumentation |
Jonathan K. Foster, Yuling Zhuang, AnnaMarie Conner, Hyejin Park, Laura M. Singletary |
2067-2071 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-347 |
STEM instructors’ noticing and responding to student thinking |
Jessica R. Gehrtz |
2072-2076 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-348 |
Hybrid environments of learning: Potential for student collaboration and distributed knowledge |
Veronica Hoyos, Estela Navarro, Victor J. Raggi |
2077-2081 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-349 |
Embracing proving into everyday lesson by problem posing |
Hangil Kim |
2082-2086 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-350 |
Profiling the use of public records of students’ mathematical thinking in 4th-8th mathematics classrooms |
Christina Koehne, Eva Thanheiser, Sharon Strickland, Autumn Pham, Ruth Heaton, Kathleen Melhuish |
2087-2091 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-351 |
An instructor’s actions for maintaining the cognitive demands of tasks in teaching mathematical induction |
Vladislav Kokushkin, Marcie Tiraphatna |
2092-2096 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-352 |
Relationships with mathematics: the importance of agency and authority |
Tanya LaMar |
2097-2104 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-353 |
Articulating the student mathematics in student contributions |
Laura R. Van Zoest, Shari L. Stockero, Keith R. Leatham, Blake E. Peterson, Joshua M. Ruk |
2105-2109 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-354 |
Making addition Visual: Subitizing and scaffolding |
Tina Rapke, Matthew Cheung, Heather Bourrie |
2110-2114 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-355 |
Linking a mathematician’s beliefs and instruction: a case study |
Rachel Rupnow |
2115-2120 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-356 |
Operationalizing access for students: making meaning of tasks, contexts and language |
Amanda Sugimoto, Eva Thanheiser, Kate Melhuish, M. Alejandra Sorto, Autumn Pham |
2121-2125 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-357 |
Mathematics teachers’ epistemic dispositions and their relationship with teacher instruction and student learning: a systematic research synthesis |
Ian Thacker, Richard Rasiej |
2126-2132 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-358 |
District certified culturally responsive teachers and their elementary mathematics teaching practice: a multi-case study |
Casedy A. Thomas |
2133-2137 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-359 |
Documenting mathematical language: distinction-making and register-fitting |
David Wagner, Karla Culligan |
2138-2142 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-360 |
Teaching and Classroom Practice: Poster Presentations |
2143 |
Uses of the free math textbook in elementary schools in Mexico / Usos del libro de texto gratuito de matemáticas en las escuelas primarias de México |
Miguel Díaz-Chávez |
2144-2145 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-361 |
What matters to middle school mathematics teachers: results from a three-year professional development program |
Laura B. Kent |
2146-2147 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-362 |
Translanguaging moves in elementary mathematics classroom number talks: understanding linguistic repertoires |
Luz A. Maldonado Rodríguez, Gladys Krause, Melissa Adams-Corral |
2148-2149 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-363 |
Using translanguaging to re-examine and deconstruct earlier findings about bilingual mathematics education. |
Sitaniselao Stan Manu |
2150-2151 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-364 |
Alternatives to mathematics class discussions: inclusive ways to connect and expand children’s ideas |
José Martínez Hinestroza |
2152-2153 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-365 |
Learning through activity (LTA) in superior education: The case of the Heine-Borel theorem |
Rogelio Meana Chávez, Juan Gabriel Herrera Alva |
2154-2155 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-366 |
Mathematics teacher educators as culturally responsive pedagogues: Introducing a framework for “growing CRP” |
Kathleen Nolan, Lindsay Keazer |
2156-2157 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-367 |
Beginning teachers’ equitable and ambitious number talks |
Byungeun Pak, Brent Jackson, Jillian Cavanna |
2158-2159 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-368 |
The interplay between a visual task and elementary students’ mathematical discourse |
Zachary Pearson, Azita Manouchehri |
2160-2161 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-369 |
A university instructor’s orchestration for supporting his students’ programming for mathematics |
Marisol Santacruz-Rodríguez, Ana Isabel Sacristán, Chantal Buteau, Joyce Mgombelo, Eric Muller |
2162-2163 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-370 |
Technology |
Research Reports |
2164 |
The effects of a technology course with collaborative design on prospective teachers’ knowledge and beliefs |
Jon D. Davis |
2165-2173 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-371 |
Investigating undergraduate students’ generalizing activity in a computational setting |
Elise Lockwood, Adaline De Chenne |
2174-2182 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-372 |
Middle school students’ development of an understanding of the concept of function |
Michael S Meagher, Jennifer Lovett, Allison McCulloch |
2183-2191 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-373 |
Technology: Brief Research Reports |
2192 |
Developing TPACK for makerspaces to support mathematics teaching and learning |
Kimberly Corum, Sandy Spitzer, Lynn Nichols, Kristin Frank |
2193-2197 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-374 |
Integrating digital resources to the documentation system of a mathematics teacher in a Mexican rural primary-school / Integración de recursos digitales al sistema documental de una profesora de matemáticas en una primaria rural de méxico |
Homero Enríquez-Ramírez, Ana Isabel Sacristán |
2198-2207 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-375 |
Enhancing students’ spatial reasoning skills with robotics intervention |
Krista Francis, Stefan Rothschuh, Dana Poscente, Brent Davis |
2208-2212 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-376 |
Teachers’ problem posing in paper-and-pencil and GeoGebra / Planteamiento de problemas por profesores en papel-y-lápiz y GeoGebra |
Lucero Hernández Cruz, Cesar Martínez Hernández, Rodolfo Rangel Alcántar, Norma Angélica Barón Ramírez |
2213-2221 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-377 |
Preservice teachers’ perspectives on technology integration in kindergarten through eighth grade mathematics |
Monte Meyerink, Fenqjen Luo, Ciara Burgal |
2222-2227 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-378 |
Prospective teachers’ approaches to problem-solving activies with the use of a dynamic geometry system |
Daniel Ortiz May |
2228-2232 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-379 |
Designing for an integrated STEM+C experience |
Nicole Panorkou, Toni York |
2233-2237 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-380 |
Integrated STEM education through game-based learning |
Micah Stohlmann |
2238-2242 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-381 |
Embodiment as a Rosetta stone: Collective conjecturing in a multilingual classroom using a motion capture geometry game |
Michael I. Swart, Kelsey E. Schenck, Fangli Xia, Doy Kim, Oh Hoon Kwon, Mitchell J. Nathan, Candace Walkington |
2243-2251 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-382 |
Theory and Research Methods |
Research Reports |
2252 |
Ranking the cognitive demand of fractions tasks |
Sarah Kerrigan, Anderson Norton, Catherine Ulrich |
2253-2261 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-383 |
Analyzing teacher learning in a community of practice centered on video cases of mathematics teaching |
Youngjun Kim, Victoria D. Bonaccorso, Mustafa M. Mohamed, Helene S. Leonard, Joseph DiNapoli, Eileen Murray |
2262-2269 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-384 |
An invitation to conversation: addressing the limitations of graphical tasks for assessing covariational reasoning |
James Drimalla, Brady A. Tyburski, Cameron Byerley, Steven Boyce, Jeffrey Grabhorn, Christopher Orlando Roman, Kevin C. Moore |
2270-2278 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-385 |
Four component instructional design (4C/ID) model confirmed for secondary tertiary mathematics |
Carol H. Wade, Christian Wilkens, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip M. Sadler |
2279-2287 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-386 |
Teacher questioning strategies in supporting validity of collective argumentation: explanation adapted from habermas' communicative theory |
Yuling Zhuang, AnnaMarie Conner |
2288-2296 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-387 |
Theory and Research Methods: Brief Research Reports |
2297 |
Pseudo-empirical, internalized, and interiorized covariational reasoning |
Steven Boyce |
2298-2302 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-388 |
Learning from teaching: a new model of teacher learning |
Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Jessica Rodrigues |
2303-2307 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-389 |
Design and validation of two measures: competence and self-efficacy in mathematical modeling / Diseño y validación de instrumentos de medición de competencias y autoeficacia de modelización matemática |
Jennifer A. Czocher, Sindura Subanemy Kandasamy, Elizabeth Roan |
2308-2316 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-390 |
Gesture in proof and logical reasoning |
Laurie D. Edwards |
2317-2324 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-391 |
Making meaning of learning trajectories amidst multiple metaphors |
Nicole L. Fonger, Amy Ellis |
2325-2329 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-392 |
Differences in students with learning disabilities’ (LD) units construction/coordination and subitizing |
Beth L. MacDonald, Jessica H. Hunt, Kerry Jordan |
2330-2335 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-393 |
Putting the “M” back into STEM: Considering how units coordination relates to computational thinking |
Beth L. MacDonald, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin A. Searle, Andrea M. Hawkman, Mario I. Suárez |
2336-2340 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-394 |
Whose problem, whose practice? Negotiating the focus of research-practice partnerships within school mathematics |
Charles Munter, Cassandra Quinn, Phi Nguyen |
2341-2345 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-395 |
Theory and Research Methods: Poster Presentations |
2346 |
FALA framework: A learning progression for novice teachers’ use of formative assessment |
Carolyn Mitten |
2347-2348 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-396 |
A theory-methodology framework for conceptualizing a culturally responsive mathematics/teacher education |
Kathleen Nolan |
2349-2350 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-397 |
A conceptualized framework for assessing factors that maintain and lower cognitive demand during task enactment |
Joshua M. Ruk |
2351-2352 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-398 |
Building a robot: making mathematics visible in a non-formal STEM learning environment |
V. Rani Satyam, Amber Simpson, Joseph DiNapoli, Xiangquan Yao |
2353-2354 |
https://doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020-399 |
Author’s Index / Indice de autores |